Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018

Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018

Totoks.com – Telah dibuka Lowongan kerja kesempatan untuk menjadi pegawai BUMN pada PT Pembangunan Perumahan untuk wilayah Jakarta, Medan, Palembang, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya dan Makasar tahun anggaran 2018.

Loker BUMN PT Pembangunan Perumahan tahun 2018 ini dilakukan serempak untuk 7 kota besar di Indonesia.

Penerimaan pegawai baru PT Pembangunan Perumahan ini merupakan kesempatan emas bagi anda putra putri terbaik bangsa untuk bergabung menjadi pegawai BUMN.

Tersedia informasi :

Panduan Membuat Surat Lamaran Kerja Lengkap dengan Bahasa Indonesia, Tip Membuat Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Indonesia.

Lowongan Kerja Loker SDM Bantuan Sosial Pangan Kemensos Kementerian Sosial 2018

Segera Daftarkan diri anda untuk kesempatan lowongan pekerjaan PT PP (Persero) ini karena tentu peminatnya akan banyak sekali.

PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero)

Address : Head Office. Plaza PP – Wisma Subiyanto
Jl. TB Simatupang 57, Pasar Rebo Jakarta Timur 13760 Indonesia

Contact :

Phone : (021) 840 3883 (hunting)
Fax : (021) 840 3936 & 840 3890
Website : www.pt-pp.com

Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018

Sebagai pengetahuan apa sebenarnya PT Pembangunan Perumahan (persero), admin bagikan ulasan singkatnya.

Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang usaha Konstruksi dan Investasi dengan pengalaman lebih dari 60 tahun dalam pembangunan gedung bergengsi, infrastruktur, properti dan EPC, ingin mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan perusahaan kami dengan informasi berikut:

Tanggung jawab

Mengelola dan memastikan proyek berjalan berdasarkan rencana§

Melaksanakan penyelesaian zat dan melakukan inspeksi terhadap proyek§

Meninjau rencana dan spesifikasi teknik untuk keperluan konstruksi§

Bertanggung jawab atas perkembangan proyek sehari-hari§

Memastikan tercapainya kualitas pekerjaan sesuai standar perusahaan§

Melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab berdasarkan WI (Instruksi Kerja) dan Uraian Tugas§

Melaksanakan instruksi dan tugas yang mendukung kinerja perusahaan§


Pria / Wanita§

Mahasiswa Akhir Tahun atau Sarjana Teknik Sipil minimal dari universitas terkemuka§

Usia maksimal 26 tahun§

IPK ≥ 3,00§

Pemahaman yang baik dan mampu berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris§

Memahami prinsip-prinsip teknik sipil, membangun kualifikasi, irigasi, pelabuhan, atau jalan§

Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam menggunakan aplikasi IT / progam yang berhubungan dengan sipil / konstruksi§

Memiliki pengalaman dalam organisasi kampus adalah sebuah keuntungan§

Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh proyek PT PP (Persero) Tbk (seluruh Indonesia§ & luar negeri)


Formasi apa saja yang dibutuhkan pada Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018.

Berikut ini admin bagikan informasi selengkapnya tentang  Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018.



PT PP (Persero) Tbk, a State Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which is engaged in Construction and Investment business with more than 60 years of experiences in construction of prestigious building, infrastructure, property and EPC, would like to invite you to join in our company with the following information:


  • Manage and ensure the project goes based on the plan
  • Carry out completion of substances and conduct inspections on the project
  • Reviewing plans and technical specifications for construction purposes
  • Responsible for the daily development of the project
  • Ensure the achievement of the quality of the work according to company standards
  • Carry out duties and responsibilities based on WI (Work Instructions) and Job Description
  • Carry out instructions and tasks that supports the performance of the company


  • Male / Female
  • Final Year Students or Minimum Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering from reputable university
  • Maximum age of 26 years old
  • GPA ≥ 3.00
  • Good understanding and able to speak in English
  • Understanding the principles of civil engineering, building qualifications, irrigation, ports, or roads
  • Good skill in using of IT application/progam that related with civil/construction
  • Having experience in campus organization is an advantage
  • Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)



Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018

  1. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE 2018 – BATCH 1 (Medan)


PT PP (Persero) Tbk, a State Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which is engaged in Construction and Investment business with more than 60 years of experiences in construction of prestigious building, infrastructure, property and EPC, would like to invite you to join in our company with the following information:


  • Manage and ensure the project goes based on the plan
  • Carry out completion of substances and conduct inspections on the project
  • Reviewing plans and technical specifications for construction purposes
  • Responsible for the daily development of the project
  • Ensure the achievement of the quality of the work according to company standards
  • Carry out duties and responsibilities based on WI (Work Instructions) and Job Description
  • Carry out instructions and tasks that supports the performance of the company


  • Male / Female
  • Final Year Students or Minimum Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering from reputable university
  • Maximum age of 26 years old
  • GPA ≥ 3.00
  • Good understanding and able to speak in English
  • Understanding the principles of civil engineering, building qualifications, irrigation, ports, or roads
  • Good skill in using of IT application/progam that related with civil/construction
  • Having experience in campus organization is an advantage
  • Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)


Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018

  1. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE 2018 – BATCH 1 (Palembang)


PT PP (Persero) Tbk, a State Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which is engaged in Construction and Investment business with more than 60 years of experiences in construction of prestigious building, infrastructure, property and EPC, would like to invite you to join in our company with the following information:


  • Manage and ensure the project goes based on the plan
  • Carry out completion of substances and conduct inspections on the project
  • Reviewing plans and technical specifications for construction purposes
  • Responsible for the daily development of the project
  • Ensure the achievement of the quality of the work according to company standards
  • Carry out duties and responsibilities based on WI (Work Instructions) and Job Description
  • Carry out instructions and tasks that supports the performance of the company


  • Male / Female
  • Final Year Students or Minimum Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering from reputable university
  • Maximum age of 26 years old
  • GPA ≥ 3.00
  • Good understanding and able to speak in English
  • Understanding the principles of civil engineering, building qualifications, irrigation, ports, or roads
  • Good skill in using of IT application/progam that related with civil/construction
  • Having experience in campus organization is an advantage
  • Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)


Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018

  1. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE 2018 – BATCH 1 (Semarang)


PT PP (Persero) Tbk, a State Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which is engaged in Construction and Investment business with more than 60 years of experiences in construction of prestigious building, infrastructure, property and EPC, would like to invite you to join in our company with the following information:


  • Manage and ensure the project goes based on the plan
  • Carry out completion of substances and conduct inspections on the project
  • Reviewing plans and technical specifications for construction purposes
  • Responsible for the daily development of the project
  • Ensure the achievement of the quality of the work according to company standards
  • Carry out duties and responsibilities based on WI (Work Instructions) and Job Description
  • Carry out instructions and tasks that supports the performance of the company


  • Male / Female
  • Final Year Students or Minimum Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering from reputable university
  • Maximum age of 26 years old
  • GPA ≥ 3.00
  • Good understanding and able to speak in English
  • Understanding the principles of civil engineering, building qualifications, irrigation, ports, or roads
  • Good skill in using of IT application/progam that related with civil/construction
  • Having experience in campus organization is an advantage
  • Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)


Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018

  1. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE 2018 – BATCH 1 (Yogyakarta)


PT PP (Persero) Tbk, a State Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which is engaged in Construction and Investment business with more than 60 years of experiences in construction of prestigious building, infrastructure, property and EPC, would like to invite you to join in our company with the following information:


  • Manage and ensure the project goes based on the plan
  • Carry out completion of substances and conduct inspections on the project
  • Reviewing plans and technical specifications for construction purposes
  • Responsible for the daily development of the project
  • Ensure the achievement of the quality of the work according to company standards
  • Carry out duties and responsibilities based on WI (Work Instructions) and Job Description
  • Carry out instructions and tasks that supports the performance of the company


  • Male / Female
  • Final Year Students or Minimum Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering from reputable university
  • Maximum age of 26 years old
  • GPA ≥ 3.00
  • Good understanding and able to speak in English
  • Understanding the principles of civil engineering, building qualifications, irrigation, ports, or roads
  • Good skill in using of IT application/progam that related with civil/construction
  • Having experience in campus organization is an advantage
  • Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)


Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018

  1. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE 2018 – BATCH 1 (Surabaya)


PT PP (Persero) Tbk, a State Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which is engaged in Construction and Investment business with more than 60 years of experiences in construction of prestigious building, infrastructure, property and EPC, would like to invite you to join in our company with the following information:


  • Manage and ensure the project goes based on the plan
  • Carry out completion of substances and conduct inspections on the project
  • Reviewing plans and technical specifications for construction purposes
  • Responsible for the daily development of the project
  • Ensure the achievement of the quality of the work according to company standards
  • Carry out duties and responsibilities based on WI (Work Instructions) and Job Description
  • Carry out instructions and tasks that supports the performance of the company


  • Male / Female
  • Final Year Students or Minimum Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering from reputable university
  • Maximum age of 26 years old
  • GPA ≥ 3.00
  • Good understanding and able to speak in English
  • Understanding the principles of civil engineering, building qualifications, irrigation, ports, or roads
  • Good skill in using of IT application/progam that related with civil/construction
  • Having experience in campus organization is an advantage
  • Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)


Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018

  1. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE 2018 – BATCH 1 (Makassar)


PT PP (Persero) Tbk, a State Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which is engaged in Construction and Investment business with more than 60 years of experiences in construction of prestigious building, infrastructure, property and EPC, would like to invite you to join in our company with the following information:


  • Manage and ensure the project goes based on the plan
  • Carry out completion of substances and conduct inspections on the project
  • Reviewing plans and technical specifications for construction purposes
  • Responsible for the daily development of the project
  • Ensure the achievement of the quality of the work according to company standards
  • Carry out duties and responsibilities based on WI (Work Instructions) and Job Description
  • Carry out instructions and tasks that supports the performance of the company


  • Male / Female
  • Final Year Students or Minimum Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering from reputable university
  • Maximum age of 26 years old
  • GPA ≥ 3.00
  • Good understanding and able to speak in English
  • Understanding the principles of civil engineering, building qualifications, irrigation, ports, or roads
  • Good skill in using of IT application/progam that related with civil/construction
  • Having experience in campus organization is an advantage
  • Willing to be placed throughout PT PP (Persero) Tbk projects (all over Indonesia & overseas)

Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018

DAFTAR silahkan klik DISINI

Demikian informasi tentang Lowongan Kerja Loker PT Pembangunan Perumahan Semua Wilayah Indonesia 2018

Hanya kandidat terbaiklah yang akan diterima mengisi jabatan strategis pada Loker Lowongan kerja BUMN PT Asuransi Jasindo Tahun 2018 Penerimaan pegawai asuransi Jasindo

Semoga anda pembaca dan pengunjung setia blog ini yang mendaftar ini bisa lulus dan diterima menjadi pegawai. Amin

Terimakasih kunjungan anda dan jangan lupa tinggalkan jejak anda.

Berikan komentar anda dan bagikan informasi ini untuk teman, saudara dan keluarga anda yang membutuhkan informasi lowongan kerja.

Semoga bermanfaat dan Terimakasih.


Panduan Membuat Surat Lamaran Kerja Lengkap dengan Bahasa Indonesia, Tip Membuat Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Indonesia.

Lowongan Kerja Loker SDM Bantuan Sosial Pangan Kemensos Kementerian Sosial 2018

Penerimaan Pegawai Baru Loker Non PNS RSUD dr Soehadi Sragen 2018 Semua Jurusan. 

LowongaNn Kerja PKKP Program Pengembangan Kepedulian Kepeloporan Pemuda Jawa Tengah Jateng Tahun 2018.

Lowongan Kerja Loker BUMN PT Semen Baturaja Persero Tahun 2018

Lowongan Kerja Loker Awak Kabin Haji Garuda Indonesia Tahun 2018

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